Phyllis is more than just a successful realestate agent; she's a force to be reckoned with in residential and rental salesand listings. Her expertise extends beyond traditional real estate, as she is atrusted specialist in Arbor Hills, a complex nestled in Nutley and Bellevilleco-ops. Her enduring presence of 20 years at Arbor Hills has made her somethingof an icon within the community, a testament to her outstanding service andcommitment.
Phyllis's achievements in the real estateworld are only one facet of her extraordinary life. Amidst her thriving career,she is a loving mother, a cherished grandmother, and even a great-grandmother,showcasing her ability to balance personal life and professional success withgrace.
Her connection to real estate doesn't stop ather profession. Phyllis is a seasoned real estate owner, having invested inproperties throughout her impressive career. Her journey is a testament to hertenacity, business acumen, and a profound love for the real estate industry.
Phyllis Farrow isnothing short of an extraordinary woman. Her 34 years of experience, coupledwith her remarkable achievements and impact on her community, make her a trueluminary in the world of real estate. When you work with Phyllis, you're notjust engaging an agent; you're enlisting the services of a living legend whobrings wisdom, experience, and a warm heart to every transaction.